care for society and the environment.
Comprometidos con la economía circular y el acero verde, estudiamos formas de desarrollar el proceso de descarbonización, sustituyendo el combustible fósil por biocombustible o reduciendo el consumo de gas natural en beneficio del hidrógeno verde produciendo acero verde.
Contamos con tecnología híbrida, por ello en 2030, gran parte nuestra producción se hará en acero verde, reduciendo considerablemente las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.
Tenemos una capacidad productiva de reciclaje de 600,000 Tn.
El acero es un material permanente en la economía circular. El 85% del total de residuos han sido valorizados, convirtiéndolos en subproductos para otras aplicaciones.
Solo trabajamos con residuos férricos como materia prima, dotando de una nueva vida en el sector de la construcción e infraestructuras.
de nuestra materia prima procede de residuos reciclables para producir acero

GREEN STEEL. We are exploring ways to develop the decarbonisation process by replacing fossil fuels with biofuels or reducing the consumption of natural gas in favour of green hydrogen production for green steel.
We have hybrid technology Therefore, in 2030, part of our production will be made of green steel, considerably reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
CIRCULAR ECONOMY. We are leaders in this field because steel is a material with an infinite useful life. For this reason, we only work with recycled raw materials.
85% of the total waste has been recovered and converted into by-products for other applications.
of our raw material comes from waste recycled to produce steel

- Electricity: -6.55%.
- Gas: – 12.45%.
- Coal: -17.84%.
- Water: -24.32% with respect to the previous year.
At Corrugados Getafe we promote the protection of the environment through various avenues of action:
- Pollution prevention
- We assess and reduce environmental impacts.
Our certifications in different international management systems add value and confidence to our customers, collaborators and the environments in which we are present.
- We are committed to harmonised standards to achieve reliable and adequate environmental protection.
Synergies with the other companies in the Group will allow us to develop a value chain where waste serves to be used as a raw material for other processes and industries.